April 23 - may 15, 2016

baby, said Alice b. Toklas

hanne tierney

opening reception: Saturday, April 23, 6-8pm

 Conceived and constructed by Hanne Tierney, this self-performing theater revels in and transcends its own artificiality. The precise movements of two cloth figures, hula hoops, copper pipes, and fabric configurations are being controlled in plain sight by a wood and plexi glass device.  An elaborate, visible robot brain sends messages to the device whose levers manipulate the strings of the performing materials, creating the gestures, lights and dialogue.

The figures are Alice B. Toklas and Gertrude Stein, who argue over the worth of Stein's avant garde plays and operas. As they bicker, semi-abstract objects perform excerpts from two of her plays, confirming Stein’s conviction of her modernist genius. The music of Eric Satie evokes the zeitgeist.

Talented young engineer Oskar Strautmannis built the 12 motors and robot brain.

The 15 minute performance takes place in the studio adjacent to the FiveMyles gallery space. The performance can be activated on demand by simply pressing the “start” button.  


Thursday - Sunday, 1 - 6pm, or by appointment. Please email hanne@fivemyles.org, or call 718-783-4438.


Take 2, 3, or 4 trains to Franklin Avenue. Walk two blocks against the traffic on Franklin. Walk ¾ block to 558 St. Johns Place. FiveMyles is within easy walking distance from the Brooklyn Museum.


FiveMyles is in part supported by the New York State Council for the Arts, Public Funds from the New York City Dept. of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, Council Member Laurie Cumbo,  The Jacques and Natasha Gelman Foundation, the Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation, the Perlemeter Foundation, the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the Joseph Robert Foundation, and the William Talbott Hillman Foundation.