April 23 - may 22, 2022

opening: April 23, 5:30-8pm

 dream, 1976

Edward shalala

Edward Shalala is an abstract painter who is particularly interested in reducing the canvas into its parts. In 1976 he had a dream in which he saw a wood panel and an incidental, twisted line hovering over it. The idea of fortuitous drawing fascinated him and he began exploring it through photography, drawing, and sculpture. Shalala later made works inspired from this dream, using wires tied to nails driven into wood panels to create several versions of the hovering line. Thirteen of these works, installed in the Plus/Space, compose playful variations on the theme of minimalist, three-dimensional drawing. 

Shalala was born into a military family in 1949 and grew up on U.S. Army bases all over the world. He has exhibited widely in the U.S. and in Europe, and his work is in the collections of The Museum of Modern Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Whitney Museum of American Art, The Brooklyn Museum, The Library of Congress, The Phillips Collection, The Chicago Art Institute, Art in Embassies (U.S. State Department), The Cleveland Museum of Art, and Yale University.  He is a member of American Abstract Artists.



Thursday - Sunday, 1 - 6pm, or by appointment. Please email hanne@fivemyles.org, or call 718-783-4438.


Take 2, 3, or 4 trains to Franklin Avenue. Walk two blocks against the traffic on Franklin. Walk ¾ block to 558 St. Johns Place. FiveMyles is within easy walking distance from the Brooklyn Museum.


FiveMyles is in part supported by the New York State Council for the Arts, Public Funds from the New York City Dept. of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, Council Member Laurie Cumbo,  The Jacques and Natasha Gelman Foundation, the Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation, the Perlemeter Foundation, the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the Joseph Robert Foundation, and the William Talbott Hillman Foundation.