APRIL 10 - MAY 8, 2016

fences and neighbors

janet goldner

OPENING RECEPTION: sunday, APRIL 10, 4-6pm

Fences & Neighbors is Janet Goldner’s mixed media installation inspired by her research trip to Arizona in 2014.  

A woven barbed wire fence divides the gallery. On the far side is a projected video of migrants’ stories that viewers can see through the fence. Photographs and texts about the migrants’ treacherous journey are layered on both sides of the space. As the fever pitch around migration mounted in 2014, Goldner wanted to go see for herself.  Working with the Tucson Arts Brigade and the US Department of Arts and Culture, she spent a week on and around the border. The fence to the sky separating Nogales, Arizona from Nogales, Sonora, made of surplus military steel from the runways in Iraq, was particularly impressive and disturbing. Migration is a recurring theme for Goldner. Her large-scale public sculpture, Most of Us Are Immigrants was installed in Sara Roosevelt Park in the late 1990’s.  It is now in the collection of the Islip Museum on Long Island.  

Janet Goldner’s work explores culture, identity and social justice in various media: steel sculpture, photography, video, installation and social projects. It consistently bridges diverse cultures, celebrating the unique beauty and genius of each as well as what we have in common. Cultural preservation is important to her work where her research takes the form of immersive fieldwork. Annual visits to Mali provide inspiration.


Thursday - Sunday, 1 - 6pm, or by appointment. Please email hanne@fivemyles.org, or call 718-783-4438.


Take 2, 3, or 4 trains to Franklin Avenue. Walk two blocks against the traffic on Franklin. Walk ¾ block to 558 St. Johns Place. FiveMyles is within easy walking distance from the Brooklyn Museum.


FiveMyles is in part supported by the New York State Council for the Arts, Public Funds from the New York City Dept. of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, Council Member Laurie Cumbo,  The Jacques and Natasha Gelman Foundation, the Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation, the Perlemeter Foundation, the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the Joseph Robert Foundation, and the William Talbott Hillman Foundation.